Boutique Plans

Custom Boutique Plan Process

1. Free Introductory Call

Start with a complimentary 15-30 minute consultation to discuss your project’s status and specific requirements. Share any sketches, lot dimensions, HOA guidelines, example plans, property listings, Pinterest boards, and other inspirations.

2. Placing Your Order

To initiate your project, clients are required to place an order upfront. This step ensures we can start working on your custom design promptly.

3. Initial Concept Plan

Once your order is confirmed, we will set up a cloud-based project folder for you to upload your ideas, sketches, lot dimensions, and any other relevant details. Receive the first draft of your house plans within 5 business days, sent via email. Subsequent drafts are returned within 2 business days based on your feedback. Schedule a live online session to make real-time adjustments.

4. Midway Review (50% Design)

After the initial session, review a 50% design set before the second session, which focuses on refining the design. View your home live in 3D as we explore various design options.

5. Advanced Design (90% Design)

Receive the 90% complete drawing set for final comments before finalizing the design.

6. Visual Enhancements (Ultimate Package)

For Ultimate Package clients, a third session will focus on materials and aesthetics. Experience a live 3D walkthrough with different material choices. A preliminary 3D tour will be provided for further exploration and final adjustments.

7. Final Deliverables

Once you have approved the 90% design and have no further changes, we will finalize and release the completed construction drawings and visualizations the next business day.